Wednesday 29 October 2008

First Post

Well..... I've been reading them, looking at them, admiring them, loving some of them and hating a few of them and I've finally decided make my own!

Welcome to my blog.

For about a year now I have been reading blogs (mostly American) about homemaking. Why American? Well, it seems that there are just more of them about. Homekeeping or housekeeping or housewife seem to be regarded as slightly dirty words in the UK. If you confess to enjoying spending time at home doing "house wifey" stuff, people automatically think you must be some kind of weirdo.

Now, I know I am not weird (or not too weird) and there must be others out there like me who do the job thing, the wife thing, the mum thing, the daughter, sister, friend thing but who also have a Big Fat Guilty Secret................ they enjoy making their home comfortable for themselves and their family.

Soooo... this is all a very long winded way to try and reach out to others like me. Please leave comments, otherwise it's just me talking to myself and that gets old really quickly.

I am going to attempt to post pictures with my posts but haven't got that sorted yet.